This is my sons Beta 50cc Minitrial. We have had this bike about 2 years and he has used it for small wheels trials events. This is a great introductory bike for children between about 6-10 yrs old. No gears just twist and go. Although not in mint condition this bike is better than good for its age and has loads of life left in it for another youngster wanting to be introduced to the world of trials. It has had new fork seals, front and back mudguards, decals, seat foam and rear tyre. I have a spare front tyre for it but the one on it is good hence I have not changed it. If anything the bike could benefit from a new chain but I am just being honest. Buyers must use paypal to pay for the bike within 3 days of the end of the auction or communicate a reason for not doing so with me. I am sick of being messed about. Otherwise I will relist it. Happy bidding. If it does not make the reserve it will be offered again in the spring when everyone will want one!
Details :
- condition: Used
- currency: GBP
- delivery: Local Delivery
- price_display: £595
- seller_type: Dealer
- year: 2004